Monday, December 5, 2011

Tennessee Football = roller coaster ride (long & rambling)

After watching the Kentucky fans storm the field after the dismal lost to the Wildcats, it made me very reflective on the Tennessee football program. It is as if we are on a roller coaster ride - fun and exciting one moment, kinda boring and lackadaisical the next, and then sometimes scared out of your mind.

When was the last time our fans stormed the field? I have been a fan long enough to have vague memories of "Tricky Dickey" (I still remember some of that song!) I was in high school when "Johnny came marching home". I was fortunate to be in Neyland when Majors and Co. beat #2 Bama in 1982. Went to the Sugar Bowl in '85, marking one of my most cherished memories in Big Orange football.

When Majors stepped away, I was determined to shake his hand (Jack Daniels and I were always bold in my college daze) as he left Neyland for the last time as Head Coach. I accomplished that, voicing great appreciation for what he means to Tennessee football, but my comments were cut short due to a Trooper and KPD starting my way. As I left the field and went up a ramp, Coach Fulmer was coming down from the press box. Was able to shake his hand and wish him luck for his tenure as Coach of the Big Orange.

Over the next several years, Tennessee Football was something special, fun and thrilling. Beat Bama 10 of 12 years and then the magical night in Arizona. But then strange things started to happen. Games we were supposed to win, we didn't. It seemed we no longer had a majority of players with the abilities of the Al Wilsons or Peyton Mannings. Things went from fun and thrilling to lackadaisical and sometimes fearful.

Now Tennessee football is at a significant crossroad. The fan base is split like I have never seen before, although it may have been in the past and we just didn't have all of the talk shows and message board back in the day. But where does the Vols go from here?

One camp wants to clean house now for the "sake of the future". Others want to wait and see what Dooley can actually do with a little more time and much more depth. Dooley's tenure exemplifies the roller coaster ride: The LSU (2010) game, UNC game and Cincy game were all fun and thrilling, although 2 of the 3 did not have happy endings. The MTSU game was lackadaisical, the Kentucky loss was downright scary.

However, the recruiting season is upon us and I for one am optimistic. Reading the article on 247 about Sentimore and all of the other potential recruits gives me hope. I have hope that the proud University of Tennessee will once again become prominent in the SEC and national scene. I am excited for next year, moreso if a Sentimore, Autry, Patterson, etc. join the ride.

Next year promises to be more of a roller coaster ride, but I'm getting a ticket because I feel it will be more exciting and thrilling than some of the scary stuff we have endured lately . . .


bears lions bears lions kendall jenner neville neville heavy d heavy d

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