Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Social TV App Peel Adds Real-Time Cheering To American Idol

51459084-05CB-4ECC-A222-6F7B8F20CF16There are loads of startups trying to build a social TV experience that goes beyond checking in to your favorite TV shows. Now social TV app Peel is taking a stab at it, and it's aiming at one show in particular: American Idol. Now, the Peel app (which, to be clear, is not officially connected to the show in any way) will provide a parallel experience as you watch. As each contestant takes the stage, you can tap the screen to either boo or cheer them ? not just once, but as many times as you want. Maybe one cheer for their song choice, and then a boo as they stumble, and then three cheers as they hit a particularly tough note. A sliding bar shows how much you've booed and cheered, and you can boo and cheer and the judges as they rate the singers. And there's a button to tweet your thoughts as you follow along.

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Techcrunch/~3/m-wlEJua_PA/

hanley ramirez blago

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